Thursday, July 25, 2013

Reflections on Implementation

Teachers are faced with new challenges every day.  From students' needs, to principals'/parents'/the state test's growing expectations, to the dwindling budget.  Yet another challenge that continues to grow, and has potential to become more and more pronounced, is language.  Not English, Spanish, German or French, but a new language that is universal, especially among those students that teachers try so desperately to reach.  Those students who are all "digital natives," and speak the language of technology.

These days, it is not uncommon that toddlers tap away at iPads, pre-teens follow stars on Twitter, and teens teach themselves HTML.  According to many experts, including Nicole Eva and Heather Nicholson (2011), the only way to reach these students is to "meet them on their turf."

Students live in this world, and speak the language.  But if teachers are not equipped with hardware, software, and iThings, where does one begin?

The ISTE NETS provides standards for both teachers and students, and is a valuable resource for all in the field of education.  Likewise, the American Association of School Librarians has standards for "The 21st Century Learner," that resembles some of the same ideas and focus of the ISTE NETS.  While these standards provide a guideline for introducing and consistently using technology, it also states the necessity of teaching proper internet etiquette.  Mashriqi Khalida uses her library to teach technology, and includes lessons on "cyber safety" to model and encourage the expected behaviors while online (2011).  As the saying goes, "With great power, comes great responsibility."  There is no question that the vast expanse of the internet offers great power, so it is of the utmost importance to teach responsibility.

Many teachers cringe when discussing technology tools, because in an already busy, stressful, full day, technology is just one more thing expected of them.  Something to remember, according to Khalida, is that it won't happen in one day - it takes time to build up technology by writing grants and asking for money from administration (2011).  The other point to take into consideration, is that technology has to be meaningful.  It can't be used "just to be used" (Eva & Nicholson, 2011).  Teachers must find valuable ways to integrate it, or students will not find value in the lesson or the technology.

Teachers will  find more ease in the implementation of technology if the librarians to step up and assume the role of guide and facilitator.  They should be well-versed in the standards from ISTE NETS and AASL, as well as what technology is available for different age ranges, what will lend itself to specific content areas, and what tools would be interesting to the students.

The librarian should make regular attempts to meet with grade levels or individual teachers, and request occasional speaking time at staff meetings.  The role of guide and facilitator will be welcomed by teachers if the librarian approaches it with an attitude of "There is so much to see.  Let me show you, and let me help you."  If the librarian can meet regularly with teachers, they will know the topics being taught, and he or she could easily bring ideas for presentations, group projects, online forums, or games to use along the way through a unit.  The librarian can no longer have the "Come see me if you need anything" policy.  Teachers either won't go seek help, or they want to, but don't have enough time.  The policy has to turn into, "I'm here, look what references I pulled for you, and I created a search engine for your online research.  How about we try to Skype with an expert next week?"

Eva & Nicholson point out, technology is "more engaging, more entertaining, and more interactive" (2011).  This is inherently true.  It can help teachers go deeper and, if used right, hit the higher order thinking skills that are so critical.  Beyond that, it is "a good way to connect with students...and, as such, may make them more open to receiving the message being taught" (Eva & Nicholson 2011).

This is where the classroom is headed, and the library has to be ahead of the curve.  It is a new, ever-changing role that might already be outdated tomorrow.  But was there ever a career more suited for someone with a constant thirst for new knowledge, and in this day in age, technology, than a librarian?


Eva, N., & Nicholson, H. (2011). DO get technical! Using technology in library instruction. Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research,6(2). Retrieved from

Khalida, M. (2011). Implementing technology and gaming lessons in a school library. Knowledge Quest40(1), 24-28. Retrieved from 

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